  • 22.3.2020 17:42

Dükkanı kapatan Papa işi bıraktı!

Papa Francis, koronavirüs nedeniyle kiliseye gidemeyenlerin direkt tanrıya dua edebileceğini söyledi.

Pope Francis sends a virtual hug after delivering his weekly Angelus prayer via video at the Vatican, March 15, 2020. Vatican Media/ Handout via REUTERS

İtalya'da 53 bin 578 koronavirüs vakası görüldü, 4 bin 825 kişi yaşamını yitirdi.

Church members gather for a "drive-in" church service at The Grove Church where people stayed in their cars and tuned in to the pastor on their car radios after Washington Governor Jay Inslee banned large gatherings due to the coronavirus outbreak, in Marysville, Washington, March 15, 2020. REUTERS/Jason Redmond

Salgın nedeniyle karantina altına alınan ülkede, halkın sokağa çıkması yasaklandı.

A woman prays inside the Cologne Cathedral as worships and viewings are cancelled and the church is only open for prayers in Cologne, Germany, March 15, 2020. REUTERS/Thilo Schmuelgen


İtalya'da kiliseler sadece özel dualara açık ve rahipler maske ve eldiven giymesi durumunda günahları kabul edebiliyor.

A staff member prays as Eastside Foursquare Church, whose congregation includes family members of the residents of the Life Care Center of Kirkland, the Seattle-area nursing home at the epicenter of one of the biggest coronavirus outbreaks in the United States, holds an online Sunday church service in an empty sanctuary at the in Bothell, Washington, March 15, 2020. REUTERS/Brian Snyder

Öte yandan İtalyanlar, evlerini terk etmemeleri konusunda da sürekli uyarılıyor.

Priests serve a Mass in an empty church, during preventing measures to contain the spread of coronavirus in Povazska Bystrica, Slovakia March 15, 2020. The Mass is broadcasted on regional television and internet sites. REUTERS/Radovan Stoklasa


Katoliklerin ruhani lideri Papa Francis, bu şartlar altında günah çıkarmak için kiliseye gidemeyenlerin, direkt tanrıdan af dileyebileceğini söyledi.

Pope Francis delivers the weekly Angelus prayer via video at the Vatican, March 15, 2020. Vatican Media/ Handout via REUTERS


Papa, internet üzerinden canlı yayınlanan ayinde yaptığı konuşmada, "Bu doğru zaman, fırsat anı. Ruhlarımız kar gibi beyaz olacak." diye konuştu.

Priest Don Marco arrives to conduct Sunday mass alone in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere, as churches close to the faithful to avoid coronavirus contagion, in Rome, Italy March 15, 2020. REUTERS/Alberto Lingria

Papa ayrıca, "Tanrı'nın hassasiyeti bizi iyileştirecek. O, yaptığımız çirkin işleri düzeltecek." ifadelerini kullandı.

A priest stands inside Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and of St. Joseph visually deserted, amid coronavirus concerns, in Warsaw, Poland March 15, 2020. Jedrzej Nowicki/ Agencja Gazeta via REUTERS

Hand sanitizer is pictured next to the zucchetto of Archbishop of Seattle Paul D. Etienne as he celebrates Mass over Facebook Live in the chapel of St. James Cathedral after all parishes in the Archdiocese of Seattle suspended celebrating the Eucharist in Seattle, Washington, March 15, 2020. REUTERS/Jason Redmond

Güncellenme Tarihi : 22.3.2020 20:56